Strategy + Goals

Our plan to take our ideas to impact, faster.

Broadacre vision

To provide a north star to which we can unite teams and align business strategies to tactics, enabling us to take our ideas to business impact, faster.

Broadacre mission

Through sustained commitment to internal and external users, paired with operational excellence, we will establish a foundation for innovation that allows us to iterate on our business baselines and chart new territory at scale.

Broadacre goals

Build faster

By lowering the technical bar to producing content, reusing content, streamlining processes and automating redundant tasks.

Build better

By modernizing our interface, and building all web properties and products from a global set of standards.

Build further

By making available single source of truth documentation and assets to global stakeholders, allowing us to move in unison on a global scale.

Objectives + key results

In each area of focus below, we'll be working to achieve specific objectives which will be measured against a set of key results:

Key Results

Form a cross-functional working group (v-team) dedicated to Broadacre as a funded concern

  • Leadership funds 5 head count (existing, part-time) as Broadacre team for 1 year
  • Broadacre v-team members miss ≤5% of scrums, critiques, planning and review sessions due to scheduling conflicts
  • Monthly Broadacre progress updates communicated via monthly Digital Marketing newsletter
Key Results

Redesign UI of core webpages on concur.* utilizing atomic design methodology.

  • Broadacre design tokens documented in design application (Figma)
  • Broadacre UI components documented in design application (Figma)
  • Broadacre views and layouts documented in design application (Figma)
  • Broadacre theme variable sheets documented in design application (Figma)
  • Deliver Broadacre design tokens, UI components, views and layouts, themes via developer handoff application (Zeplin)
Key Results

Build library of UI components according to Broadacre visual and functional standards.

  • 100% of Broadacre UI components built out using HTML/CSS/JS
Key Results

Create source-of-truth for design tokens and UI components

  • Build SOT for builders to design and construct UI patterns and components for Broadacre, aka Workshop (PatternLab)
  • Build SOT for marketers and vendors to consume Broadacre assets, style guidance, aka Storefront (PatternLab)
Key Results

Build Broadacre on a fresh new installation of Drupal 8

  • Drupal 8 instance built and configured to start building Broadacre

Integrate functional and visual testing of Broadacre components

  • 100% functional and visual testing code coverage of Broadacre components
Key Results

Deploy Broadacre UI across Concur.* (duplicate objective for each market/property as needed)

  • Deprecate all non-Broadacre supported UI elements
  • Integrate Broadacre UI elements into 100% of core website pages
Key Results

Ensure website front-end adheres to Broadacre visual standards through stricter content entry standards

  • Identify and remove instances where raw HTML is allowed to exist in the admin interface for non-expert users
  • Migrate content current stored as HTML into Broadacre components (outsource?)

Introduce flexible layouts and page templates to reduce accumulation of debt and reliance on development resources

  • Deploy a flexible page template that allows for Broadacre UI components to be placed within dynamic layouts

Assign user roles and capabilities that grant users only the level of access necessary to complete their tasks

  • User roles named and created
  • Capabilities assigned to user roles
  • Existing user accounts re-assigned to a role based on capabilities they require

Reduce duplication of effort and increase consistency with object-oriented UX

  • Re-organize content that can be reused into content collections (customer quotes, case studies, events, logos, etc…)
  • Create new content collections for each type of reusable content identified
  • Migrate static content into newly created content collections (outsource?)

Introduce approval workflow to enable key ambassadors in different functional groups and BU's to approve content

  • Implement "Save as draft" feature to allow for stakeholder review on production
  • Implement automated emails sent to functional group ambassadors when content or design changes made
Scientifically Proven

A reimagined workflow, proven to scale

Applying proven, object-oriented standards to how we design, code, and organize content will help us build a library of portable building blocks from which to spin up new projects at ease.


Our guiding standards and themes, from which we will build predictable logic.


The smallest functional building blocks of our user interfaces.


More complex building blocks with unique properties.


Assemblies of components into scalable and dynamic views.


Interfaces and tools to manipulate building blocks to produce dynamic content.


Unique organizations of features and patterns to meet user needs.